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Updated: 22 June 2024
since 1985
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TBBCC Event List for Mobile Devices
Local Chapter
Vintage Triumph Register since 1985

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The next club meeting is Tuesday,
January 23rd
. Meeting at 7pm;
Come early for Dinner & to Visit.

Quaker Steak & Lube
10400 49th St. North
Clearwater, FL

Tampa Bay British Car Camaraderie
before, during and after the meeting
(Meetings 4th Tuesday of the Month)

TBBCC Britby the Bay Sprint Picnic

Dec 07 (Sat)
Brits by The Bay Winter Picnic
Safety Harbor

The Tampa Bay British Car Club invites
all area British Car Clubs
and everyone to its semi annual picnic.
Phillippe Park, Safety Sarbor Fl. Shelter #2
Starts at 10:00 AM and Lunch around 11:30am.

The Club will provide Brats, Burgers, Condiments and Soft Drinks!!

We are asking members to please bring the following

• If your last name begins with A-K
please bring a covered desert
• If your last name begins with L-Z
please bring an appetizer or covered side dish

Please RSVP to

Also, member Christine Milnthorpe is coordinating efforts for Share our Spirit Food Drive with the Seminole Junior Woman’s Club in providing non-perishable food for children during the Christmas school break. Cereal, peanut butter, pancake mixes, syrup, macaroni and cheese meals, rice, pasta, tinned fruit/veggies or something of your choice would be greatly appreciated. They are aiming to provide food for 42 families again and appreciate all donations. A drop off box will be at the picnic on December 7th. .

Mark your calendars for the
2nd Thursday of the month for
TBBCC's British Invasion of
Quaker Steak & Lube.

Thursday, Dec 12th at 4:00pm
Southwest Corner of Parking Lot.
Bring your Lawn Chairs!

Lets get those Classic British Cars out and on the road to show everyone that "Classic" cars are NOT just Hot Rods,
Mustangs and Corvettes"

Tampa Bay British Car Club
©2014-2024 All Rights Reserved
Website by Carl Musson